Globally Scoped

A Blog About Technology, Life, the Universe, and Everything.

This site is built using the 11ty framework, auto-deployed from its repository to Dreamhost by GitHub Actions.

Current plugins


I am platform-agnostic and work on both Mac and Windows, so posts could've been edited on either. Most posts written in VS Code or Zed, occasionally drafted in Obsidian. I often have a local instance of LanguageTool running in Docker

AI Usage

I sometimes use GitHub Copilot or Codeium to assist with writing code, and Claude for random experimentation and editing. Generally, I do not use AI for generating actual content. For example, I may give Claude a nearly-completed draft and a prompt similar to this:

From the perspective of a skilled English editor, review this file. Does it cover everything adequately? Are there major structural issues in the writing? Is there anything that could be more succinct?

This usually turns up a few minor issues for me to consider and maybe make some revisions on; mostly it's just a good "stop and think for a sec here..." prompt, and gives me a virtual set of eyes to look something over.